March 7, 2019 – Patricia Pettit Hill, of Hays, will sign copies of her young adult fantasy novel “Ishi, Deshi and Hank: Discovering Bigfoot” from 1-3 p.m. March 16 at Salina Public Library.
Ishi, Deshi, and Hank first meet at a campground in Michigan. Though from different backgrounds, they soon find themselves working together in the pursuit of a mysterious bigfoot creature. They experience strange sightings, time loops and dimensional shifts. The three finally discover the bigfoot and eventually learn everything about the shape-shifting creature.
Hill has an associate degree from Garden City Community College. She is retired from the federal government.
Salina Public Library provides time and space for authors to sell and sign books. Guidelines and the application are available on the library’s website — — under Programs & Services. For more information, contact Outreach Librarian Lori Berezovsky at (785) 825-4624, ext. 249, or
About The Author: Amy Adams
Amy Adams is the library’s assistant director. She is a native Salinan and received a B.A. in English from Bethel College in North Newton. Amy is a voracious reader, picking up anything from fantasy, graphic novels and pop fiction to classics and literary fiction. She loves “Dr. Who” and “Game of Thrones” and admits that she is a bit of a nerd. Her more homespun hobbies include cooking, failing as a gardener, writing, singing and laughing a lot with her husband, children and friends.
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