It’s summertime and that means barbecues, swimming, catching fireflies, and road trips. Sometimes long, loooong road trips. Keep your kids entertained in the car, and the “are we there yet” to a minimum with these audiobooks for kids.
The How to Catch Kids are at it again! This time, they’re out to trap the Daddysaurus–a mystical creature capable of such amazing acts of kindness, bravery, brilliance and humor. The kids try to trap the creature with all his favorite activities, but will they succeed?
Tiger in Trouble! And More True Stories of Amazing Animal Rescues
Follow the journey of Nitro, a tiger kept in captivity in Kansas. His story starts when the county sheriffs visited a Kansas property and decided to confiscate all big cats from their owner. Lions were sent to the Detroit Zoo, and Nitro and his friend Apache went to the Carolina Tiger Rescue. As Nitro was adjusting to his new home, things went terribly wrong. Fever broke out, and he lost his sight. With the help of his rescuers, his friend Apache, and a lot of patience and love, blind Nitro was given a whole new way to “see”.
It’s Rashin’s first day of school in America! Everything is a different shape than what she’s used to: from the foods on her breakfast plate to the letters in the books! And the kids’ families are from all over! The new teacher asks each child to imagine the shape of home on a map. Rashin knows right away what she’ll say: Iran looks like a cat! What will the other kids say? What about the country YOUR family is originally from? Is it shaped like an apple? A boot? A torch? Open this book to join Rashin in discovering the true things that shape a place called home.
I’ll be famous one day, but for now, I’m stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons. Being a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley, who finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving.
Quinn spent the morning in their workshop, and they emerged with Something Great! But… What is it? No one seemed to understand that Something Great isn’t supposed to be anything. It was just… itself. Something Great. Then, the new kid asks to play with Quinn and Something Great. They discover that Something Great can be an elevator, a bug catcher, or a stick lifter. It could even be… a friend finder.
Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado as he joins an elite school for explorers. Cruz leaves his tranquil home in Hawaii to join 23 talented kids from around the globe to train at the Explorer Academy with the world’s leading scientists to become the next generation of great explorers.
Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner.
We have plenty more audiobooks available here at the library so come check them out. Have a great summer!
About The Author: Adrienne
Adrienne is a Youth Service Clerk. She got her Nail Technician license at American Academy of Cosmetology in Manhattan, KS. She and her family moved to Salina in 2010, and after working in a salon for over a decade, she found her happy place among the children’s bookstacks. She loves gardening, sewing, playing Dungeons and Dragons with her husband and kids, and of course reading. Her favorite thing about her job is helping kiddos find an amazing book and seeing their smiling faces.
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