It was there. I could feel its presence. Waiting…hoping I would turn the page. My fingers trembled as I took the edge of the well-loved paper and slowly turned it…A gasp escaped! There is stood. It looked a hundred feet tall, menacing, claws protruding, honey dripping from its mouth: it was “The Biggest Bear” a children’s book written by Lynd Ward and my favorite book as a child.
I must have checked it out of the school library a hundred times, reading it on the bus home, savoring the pictures and text, knowing the story inside by heart.
Even now, many years later, when I come across that book it brings a smile and a flood of memories.
Books have that special ability, to tell a story, but also be a part of your life story.
I want to invite you to start your life-changing reading habit at the library this summer. Maybe you come regularly to the library, maybe you haven’t been here in a while and maybe you have to look up the address to see where we are located. No matter your experience with us, I invite you to give us a visit.
This summer is a great time to start. We have so many exciting opportunities, no matter your age. Listed below are just a few of the highlights we offer for the summer.
- Reading Contests
- Book Clubs
- Robotics
- Magic Show
- Puppet Fun
- StemMusic
- Library Olympics
- Author Talk
- And Books: many, many books
Please check out our website salinapubliclibrary.org or download the SPL Catalog App to see all the cool events and resources available.
My challenge to you: Come to the library, find a book that interests you, read it and allow it to become a part of your life story.
Pssst: If you need an idea of where to start. Try this new eBook I just finished, titled What You Are Looking For is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama. It’s an international bestseller where people, life stories and a wonderfully, unique librarian all collide!
Check it out on our Hoopla App, another great resource at our Library!
About The Author: Connie
Connie Olson is a Youth Service Clerk at Salina Public Library. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in education, she completed a Masters Degree in Administration from Bradley University. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, completing puzzles, and landscaping areas around her home. One of her favorite things about the library is to help young people find the special book they are looking for.
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