Summer VolunTEEN

The Youth Services Department needs enthusiastic teen volunteers to help out during our busy Summer at the Library.

Volunteers will help tidy library areas and shelve books, help with children’s events, tend to the library book drop and assist with other tasks as assigned. Teens will learn job skills and workplace values, and make a difference in their community!

Teens ages 13-18 who can commit to at least 16 hours of volunteer work during the summer are eligible to apply. Teens need permission from a parent or a guardian and need their own transportation to the library.

For more information, contact the Head of Youth Services.

2025 VolunTEEN Application

Joe McKenzie Youth Scholarship

Each teen who volunteers earns hours toward the Joe McKenzie Youth Scholarship when they are a senior in high school. Students who meet the requirements may be eligible for $500-$1,500 scholarships annually. Applications for the Scholarship will be available and considered every February.

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