Your Contact Information First Name: Required Last Name: Required Business Name (if applicable): Email address: Required Phone number: Required Website (if applicable): General Program Information Program title/subject/short description: Preferred dates & times: Required Preferred Programming Time Periods: —Please choose an option—Spring (February, March, April)Summer (May, June, July)Fall (August, September, OctoberWinter (November, December, January Length of program/class: Maxmium number of participants: Target audience: —Please choose an option—Littles (0-5)Elementary (6-11)Tween/Teen (12-17)Adult (18+) Space, Equipment & Supply Needs Instructor/Presenter fees: As a nonprofit organization, Salina Public Library encourages instructors and presenters to donate their time. Cost factors into our ability to offer programs. Would you like to volunteer or be paid for your proposed program? —Please choose an option—VolunteerPaid If paid, please specify your rate: