A Reason to Give

Discover how your donation can be used to enrich our community’s connection to information, learning, and culture.

What do my gifts accomplish?

Every donation, regardless of its size, makes a difference and contributes to the growth and development of the library. By making a donation today, you can help Salina Public Library: 

  • Purchase new materials for our collection
  • Host events and programs that inspire lifelong learning and cultural enrichment
  • Continue and expand community outreach services
  • Upgrade technology and equipment to meet the changing needs of our patrons
  • Renovate and maintain our building and grounds
  • Initiate special projects to enhance the quality of life for our community
  • Charging Station

    Funds from the generous Zimmerman Family Foundation, Gustaf & Hanna Applequist Donor Advised Fund, and American Family Insurance were used to install charging stations in the library. These stations allow patrons to charge their electronic devices while they read, study, or enjoy other library services. This gift ensures that library patrons can stay connected and access online resources without worrying about their device’s battery life.

  • Youth Book Club Books

    A donor who recognized the importance of early literacy donated funds to support the purchase of books for SPL’s Summer Youth Book Club. This program provides a free copy of a popular age-appropriate book to children and engages them in meaningful discussions with their peers to help maintain reading and comprehension skills through the summer.

  • Seed Library

    Many generous gardeners have donated funds and packets of seeds to grow SPL’s popular Seed Library. With these donations, the library has been able to offer a diverse collection of seeds for patrons to take and grow in their home gardens. Seed packets include vegetables, herbs, and flowers. This unique offering brings our community greater access to fresh produce, creates a more sustainable environment, and fosters a sense of community around shared interests.

How is the Library funded?

One way to make a significant impact is by supporting your local public library. Public libraries are vital resources that benefit everyone in the community. By understanding the connection between funding and the services we provide, you can see why donations play a vital role in ensuring the library can continue to thrive and meet the community’s needs.

Property Taxes

A major source of Salina Public Library’s funding is provided through property taxes. SPL’s library board approves a mill levy for City of Salina residents to fund the library. The funding provided through property taxes is used to support the library’s annual operating budget, supporting regular expenses such as new books and materials, staff salaries, and building maintenance, Saline County residents outside of Salina pay property taxes to fund the Central Kansas Library System, which in turn provides grants to Salina Public Library.


One of the most important library funding sources is private gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporate partners. Salina Public Library would not be able to carry out its mission without the generosity of a supportive community. Donations serve as enhancement funding, which the library uses to launch new projects, as well as provide support for core needs and activities. In this era of increasing technology, the library strives to maintain our unique services and collections all while making them accessible to anyone who walks through the doors or enters online. Expenses in these areas continue to grow, making private gifts more significant than ever. 

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Fines & Fees

The library produces a nominal amount of revenue through fines and fees. The purpose of fines is not to make money from library patrons, fines serve as a way to encourage responsible borrowing behavior and help to cover certain costs related to maintaining or replacing materials. The library also charges small fees for certain services provided, such as printing. These fees are used to help cover the costs associated with the services they are charged for.

Why I Love My Library

Donors like you support the many reasons our patrons love Salina Public Library!

Everybody is happy to be at the library. There is so much to do for all ages!

I love my library because it is the best place to meet people and the open door to learning. The sky is the limit.

Super fun Kids activities for all ages!

I feel peace, quiet and above all I found every book that I need.  Also, I can use games, puzzles or media. The staff is kind and they give me the opportunity to volunteer.

Excellent resources-and power to the mind!  Friendly people, help when needed, exciting events and groups, Grand assortment of books, increased knowledge.

We love storytime and the Children’s area staff! 

I don’t have to mess with WI-FI, Great way to be a part of the community.  The staff, people,kids,art and humanity.  A safe place.  Open, honest, timeless.

It provides a way to other worlds and voices I wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

This is an awesome place away from home to work at finding a job, I look into ancestry, relax with a book and/or find class to explore new ideas or hobbies.  LOVE it!!!

My kids love to learn and play here!

Free access to internet and books.  This library is a good resource for self education

It is such a welcoming place and the staff is so friendly and helpful!  The collection of books is up to date, but also has a wealth of older books in it

LOVE  THE LIBRARY!  I especially being able to put holds on books!  The ILL’s are GREAT.  I appreciate reading a book from elsewhere that can be sent to our library.  I always donate my books to the library.

Has been a real asset to our community for many years.  Melanie is very kind and Friends of the library is a great volunteer group.