Joe McKenzie Youth Scholarship

The Friends of the Salina Public Library award scholarships for teen Library volunteers. Students who meet the requirements may be eligible for $500-$1500 scholarships annually.


  • Relatives of current Friends’ Board Members are ineligible.
  • Applicants must have volunteered at the library a minimum of 30 hours during their high school
  • Applicants must work at least 1 Friends book sale (setup, tear down or both).
  • Applicants must be high school seniors who have at least a 2.5 GPA; they must plan to attend an accredited school or college.
  • Applicants must arrange for a current high school transcript to be sent to the Friends Scholarship Committee (301 West Elm, Salina, 67401).
  • Applicants must secure two letters of recommendation to be included with the application form.
  • Recipients must attend their high school’s Honors Night (Awards Ceremony).


Application Process:

  • Complete the Scholarship Application
  • Write an essay responding to the following prompt:
    • Please describe the role libraries occupy in your life, experience volunteering with the Salina Public Library, and reason for pursuing the Joe McKenzie Youth Scholarship.
    • Word Count: 400-1000
    • Format: MLA
  • Arrange for two letters of recommendation (these may not be written by family members).
  • Arrange for an Official School Transcript to be sent to the Friends Scholarship
    CommitteePlease note: transcripts must be received directly from your high school. All other items should be collected and mailed (or delivered) in a single packet to the library at Friends Scholarship Committee, c/o Salina Public Library, 301 W. Elm, Salina, 67401.
    Hand-delivered packets may be submitted at the library Youth Services desk during regular hours of operation.Deadline for completed applications is March 1, 2025.

Joe McKenzie Youth Scholarship Application – PDF