Claim a spot on our shelves!
Adopt a Shelf is a volunteer opportunity designed to ensure library materials are in order. With hundreds of thousands of physical items in our collection, it is important we have items in the correct spot for patrons to find materials. Our staff work diligently to put items back when they are returned in the proper place but they do get moved and laid in other areas of the library. When everything is in its proper place everyone can find what they need!
Volunteers donate time to keep one section of the library neat and orderly by adopting a section. We try to match volunteers with their favorite topic area! 2-3 hours a month the volunteer spends time checking that their section is in order. Schedules are flexible and are set by the volunteer(s). Families, individuals and organizations are welcome to adopt a shelf. Volunteers will have their organization, family name or individual name noted by the shelf they have adopted.