2025 Reading Challenge

The 2025 Reading Challenge encourages you to read books from different categories.

Challenge yourself to read in 2025. Pick any book that fits one of these criteria. See if you can read a book in each category.

Like Prizes!?

Each time you read a book that fits one of the categories, complete a book challenge form at the library or online for a chance to win a Salina Area Chamber of Commerce gift certificate.

    * = Required

    Please provide your email or phone number so we can contact you if you win!

    Any SPL book discussion selectionA book with food in the titleA book about refugeesA book about the Space RaceA book about a natural disasterA book about a writer/authorA book that features dragonsA book with magical realismA book picked solely by the titleA book with a title containing an element from the periodic tableA book with a king or queen in the storyA book by an author with a color somewhere in their name